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Feast update!

It's been really great getting together with friends lately and talking about how to bring as much fun and food as we can to Feast! - our community's first free food festival. It's less than 2 weeks away so I'm freaking out a bit!

Lots of planning and work in underway though, including divvying up different types of flour from large sacks into smaller quantities, packaging bulk dried fruits into bags, and spices into containers.

These will be available at The Really, Really Free Food Market at Feast along with fresh local produce. We encourage everyone who has any extra in their gardens to bring it along and share. Please, don't let it go to waste if you can't use it!

A number of people have contacted me wanting to help, and I'm so thankful. If you would like to help or contribute to the day, there are lots of ways to do that.

One way is by contributing something to the Really, Really Free Food Market, as I mentioned. Fresh produce is great, but dry goods would be appreciated, too. And, if you have any cookbooks you would like to swap, or small kitchen appliances, bring those for the swap tables. Or just browse and maybe take home something new-to-you.

One thing we can really use are portable tables suitable for outdoors.

If you have one you can bring to the event, please get in touch with me at:

If you would like to contribute a prepared food, we are asking for cookies for the Colossal Cookie table, or snack foods such as tortilla chips and salsa.

Lemonade or drinks for the beverages table would be great too.

We don't have the entire schedule ready to publish yet, but it's coming. We do know - and are super excited about - the Bikes, Beards and Bandshells concert rolling - literally - into town to kick off the day at 3pm with their great music.

At 4pm, we'll be unveiling the Really, Really Free Food Market with lots of great local fruits, veggies and more.

There'll be an opportunity to learn how to make fresh Vietnamese spring rolls (and eat them too) with Krista, join in conversation about Cool School lunches with parents, learn about wild edibles from Tamara, and we're thinking about a pudding eating contest for the kids...any takers ;)

Plus you can enjoy samples of delicious Syrian food thanks to PEC Syria and Slow Food PEC and folks from the Storehouse Food Bank, Food to Share and Fresh for All will be there, too, so you can learn about all they're doing to bring delicious food to the County.

Well, I'd better stop before I give it all away here, but stay tuned!

Oh, and if you have a question or need help while you're at the event, we'll be the ones wearing one of these cool aprons.

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